
May 2023
Exploring the healing power of dance
(The Business of Vulnerativity) - Dr. Basso examines dance as a therapeutic practice, merging arts and science to highlight its role in brain health and emotional resilience.

April 2022
Everybody dance now!
(This is Your Brain with Dr. Phil Stieg) - Dr. Basso presents the neurological benefits of dance, showcasing how it enhances mood, cognitive abilities, and overall brain function.

July 2020
The meeting after the meeting
(Podcast Recovery) - Focusing on the importance of community in recovery, Dr. Basso explores the supportive dynamics that form outside formal sessions.

June 2020
Looking at the Alcoholic Brain
(Busy Living Sober) - Dr. Basso delves into alcohol's effects on the brain, offering insights into neurological health, recovery, and rehabilitation.

November 2019
Beyond ‘it’s good for you’
(The Thoughtful Counselor) - Highlighting the profound impact of exercise on the brain and body, Dr. Basso breaks down the scientific mechanisms through which physical activity benefits cognitive and emotional well-being.

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